After fasting for forty days, Satan appeared to Jesus with the hope of tempting him away from GOD. He took him to a mountain top and offered him dominion over all the kingdoms of the world if he would succumb. Jesus, at the time, already knew that he was to suffer unimaginably in order to fulfill GOD's promise to us, yet he resisted the devil.

I ask myself, would I be able to resist such temptation? To be afforded power and riches over suffering and humiliation? I've never been in that position. so I can only speculate that I would remain steadfast in my faith in GOD and Jesus Christ. I can deduce, however, that in today's world, many have chosen the path of Satan with all the ponzi schemes and corruption in the governments of the world. So many people in the world discredit GOD and the teachings of the Bible, calling it archaic, two thousand year old myths, thus justifying their sins. I can't follow this train of thought as there must be accountability beyond just getting caught or exposed. To be honest, I dedicate very little thought towards the afterlife. Most of my concentration is directed towards this life and what I can do to make the lives of others better but I do feel that there has to be accountability when one has lived their life and it all over. If not, then there would be no concept of good and evil.

No Satan has never offered me ultimate power and riches and never will but each day there are small opportunities to skim a little money or to legally keep whats not rightfully mine or lie my way into higher status. Not exactly unimaginable power and riches but nevertheless, they are the devil's temptations and like Jesus did on the mountain long ago, I chose to say "Get behind me satan for I shall worship the Lord my GOD and him only shall I serve."