John 15:13
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends"
Two thousand years ago, a man like no other walked among us. He lived a life so unlike anyone before or after Him, that He changed history and set up the corner stone by which many have devouted theor own lives to since. Although He was from GOD, He took the form of a human of lowly stature bearing nothing exceptional physically. In His short span here on earth, He healed the sick, fed the poor, gave comfort and hope to the down trodden and ultimately, sacrificed His own life for our sake.
We must constantly remind ourselves that those terrible hours while Jesus was tortured and hung on the cross, that it was all about love. His love for us was unconditional and so powerful that we cannot even begin to comprehend it but since He was GOD, we can rejoice in the fact that our GOD, the CREATOR loves us with this awesome and all powerful love.
How can we repay such love? Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works ... that we should walk in them." We could never be so perfect as Jesus but we can do our best to follow His leassons and learn from His teaching. By doing so, we reveal GOD's nature by our actions. Follow the Christ who has risen and be reconciled with GOD