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When we sin, we can confess them and ask for forgiveness and through Jesus and GOD will wipe away the sin. Sounds easy enough but it wasn't always this way.


In the Old Testament, GOD had some pretty demanding ways to grant atonement for sins. Atonement means reNow GOD conciliation with GOD and the word atoning means suffering. GOD didn't require the Hebrews to suffer for sin but demanded rituals to express our sorrow and repentance from sin. HIS demands would seem pretty extreme today. In the book of Hebrews, HE says, "And almost all things are by the law are purged with blood; and without blood, there can be no remission." The only way our ancestors could be forgiven of their sins, would be by sacrificing animals and the letting of their blood at the altar. I don't think the ASPCA would look too kindly on this.

GOD cannot lie or go back on HIS word or law so HE devised a way to make things easier on us to atone for our sins. HE sent HIS only son to shed blood for all of us so that we no longer need to atone for our sins with blood rituals. Now all we have to do is confess and ask and we are forgiven.

I still believe that we need to make make some act to atone for sin. By accepting some sort of penance, we show that we truly are remorseful for our sins and want to atone from our hearts. When I catch myself in a sin, I ask for GOD's forgiveness through Jesus Christ and then, depending on the severity of the sin, I exact penance on myself. No, I'm not an extremist who believes in self flagellation. Usually a visit to the Church or some minor fasting helps me remember the sin and take a step towards not repeating it. It's my small way of saying to GOD that I know that I have sinned, I am sorry and please forgive me. Done. Sin erased.  GOD is pretty cool eh.

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