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God is faithful. (Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 89:1-8)

GOD doesn't make promises lightly but when HE does, they are set in stone and HE cannot go back on HIS word. When we ignore HIM, HE doesn't take back HIS promise. HE remains faithful to us and waits for us to seek HIM so that HIS promises may be fulfilled.

While researching GOD's faithfulness, I happened upon a Site with, what I thought, was a particularly enlightened view, The author quotes 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself." 

We love to make everything about "me", even when pertaining to GOD and Jesus. He is "my" rock, "my" GOD, "my" savior. Again, even when I think I'm being selfless by asking GOD to show me how to serve HIM better, its about "me". GOD is faithful to HIMSELF therefore HE is faithful to us. HE is faithful to the promise HE made when HE sent HIS only Son to die for our sins.


“You are in me because of my Son’s sacrifice, sealed by my Spirit. I cannot deny myself and I will not determine my faithfulness on any merit of yours. You cannot make yourself worthy of my faithfulness to you. I choose to give it freely.”

We, individually, ar not as important as we think yet we are important enough for GOD to make such a huge sacrifice for our redemption. This is both humbling as well as exhaulting. It is also a big relief to know that we are not being graded on our performance but are part of GOD's faithfulness to HIS promise as HE transforms us from the heart out and we become worthy to  receive the fruits of HIS faithful promise.

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