For me, true inspiration came from the New Testament. The life of our Lord Jesus Christ, his teachings, his sacrifice and love provides clear guidelines for how I should strive to live my life.
The Old testament teaches us about how we have gone astray from GOD's intention for us to follow in his image but for me, more importantly, it foretells of The Christ's coming by the Prophets, such as Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel and Moses to name a few. The message is clear, GOD is not happy with how we've abused our gift of free will but he loves us so much that HE will be sending a savior to provide us a path for forgiveness. That light at the end of the tunnel is the Gospel (good news), which is the New Testament, The Word, Jesus Christ, HIS only Son was sent to save us all.

The New Testament states that by believing in Jesus, we will gain salvation and will live for eternity in paradise. Although that sounds infinitely better than roasting in hell forever, it is not my inspiration for accepting Jesus as my Lord. What drives my belief is a desire to do good deeds for those around me, to right old wrongs and to feel that I may be, in some small way, pleasing my Lord by doing HIS will right now.

Every day I meditate on the life of Christ and it inspires me to be kinder, gentler, more forgiving and helpful to those around me. When I feel like I'm being treated unfairly and the anger wells up, I reflect on what Jesus endured and my annoyance subsides. When I seek to glorify myself in front of my employees, I remember that I am just a servant of GOD and humble myself and when desire for possessions invades my thoughts, I remember Jesus telling his disciples that of you have two tunics, give one away and it helps me realize that I have all I need. I believe that the Gospel is inspiring me to be a better person in HIS eyes and I will continue to live according to the teachings of Christ in the New Testament.