Matthew 16:26
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
How much is enough? Our human nature makes us believe that whatever we have is never enough. We want more and we want it now. In a sense, its understandable for those of us with limited resources. In my case, my daughter will soon be off to start her educational journey and I don't think I have enough to provide her with the best possible course of studies. I strive for more and would do just about anything to ensure she gets the best I can provide.
Sometimes I wonder just what it is that drives people such as the Warren Buffets and Bill Gates of the world to continue to seek more wealth. I do not covet what they have but just wonder how much is enough in there eyes. Such vast wealth must have come at a price. In the process did they lose their souls? It's a curriosity that I can only ponder and never really answer.
At times I worry about providing the most for my family and at those times, I can only put my trust and faith in GOD. HE has always provided me with just enough and has never let me down. In that sense, I can pretty much honestly say that I am not a greedy person. I've known many and their need to accumulate at all costs is baffling to me.
I don't think its wrong to strive to achieve wealth as long as its within the boundries of doing the right thing in GOD's eyes. For me, I will put my faith in GOD, work hard and feel content with what HE provides me.