Matthew 25: 39-40
39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Jesus told this to the disciples in His parable of the sheep and the goats during the Olivet Disclosure and I believe it holds significant importance in telling us just how to please GOD the most, thus putting us amongst the sheep who will inherit the Kingdom. First of all, inheriting the kingdom shouldn't be what drives us. GOD outlines many laws and statutes throughout the Bible but I believe they are just exercises HE puts forth for disciplinary reasons. The true path to GOD, through Jesus is judged by how we treat each other.
We can pray and honor GOD all day long but if we don't assist each other in times of distress or help the needy, teach each other and dedicate our time to helping others, then we miss the essence of what Jesus was trying to teach us. It can't be any more clear than what He says in Matthew 25: 39-40 that whenever we halp another, we are indeed helping Jesus. However, when we do help another, it must be fromn the heart and out of true love, not because we think it will gain us browny points with GOD. It has to be done out of a love that cannot be faked.