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We are locked in a mortal combat with sin our entire lives. I would say that the battles are most ferocious when we are in the prime of our years. The fact is, we will sin during our lifetimes. No one except Jesus has ever walked the earth completely free of sin. Sin is when we succumb to temptations that we know are against GOD's will. These temptations are the result of our own evil desires as well as satan's intentional attempts at leading us away from our CREATOR.

It is not a sin to be tempted. Jesus endured many temptations so when we feel temptation, it isn't a reason to feel guilty. What does matter is how we respond to temptation. GOD does not tempt us as the book of James says, "For GOD is not tempted by evil, nor does HE tempt anyone..." Temptation come to the righteous as well as the sinner but through the power of GOD, we can overcome all temptation. I Corinthians tells us that GOD is faithful and will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.

I struggle with a few temptations that I feel are oulling me away from GOD at times. In order to reestablish my journey towards HIS light, I decided to fast along with prayer and regular reading of the Bible. Adding fasting to my daily devotion was just a personal idea I had. Then, out of curiosity, I researched a bit about fasting on the Internet and was surprised to learn that many fast for the same reasons that I do. I also found out that there are several references to fasting in the Bible for the very same reasons. GOD put the idea in my head to help me overcome my temptations. HE is indeed a faithful GOD!

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