So, we learn through the Bible of GOD's unconditional love for us, manifested through HIS ultimate sacrifice. We know that HE wants us to love HIM back in return. We also understand that, no matter how much we defy HIM, HE truly wants us to find our way back to HIM. HE provided us with an unimpeded highway with no traffic or road blocks that lead directly to HIM, Sure there are some tests along the way. Our love for GOD is revealed by our faith and true faith can only be strengthened through trials. Still the message is clear, GOD loves us, Jesus Christ loves us and we are to them back.

That's not all GOD wants from us though. Jesus said to love thy neighbor as you would love thyself. GOD wants us be kind to each other and put others before ourselves. This is done through charity, generosity and selflessness but in that saying, HE also wants us to love ourselves. I don't mean to stare in the mirror or be narcissistic but to be content within ourselves spiritually.

Jesus also urges us to love our enemies. He even asks us to turn our other cheek should we be struck in the face. This message is one of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a pure act of love and if we are able to forgive from our hearts, then we are one step closer to loving without condition, which in my opinion, is one step closer to the path Jesus walked and ultimately, one step closer to being with GOD.

When I think about it, I arrive at the meaning of love being a never ending divine circle. By loving ourselves, we are able to love our neighbors and enemies alike. When we are able to do this, we are able to love GOD as HE wishes us to do, making us worthy of HIS immense love for us.

There are many books in the Bible that teach us many things but the main message is not one of fear or repentance or faith or hope. These things are important no doubt but the Bible has a main message from GOD and its beautiful beyond its words. The message is what holds the universe together and conquers all. The message is love.