Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice.
My comments on this Proverb serve just as much as a confession at it does an observation. Over the years, I have constantly ignored what has often been good advice in order to glorify my own ideas. Many times this has included belittling the person trying to advise me and more often than not, it has included lying about the less than satisfactory results of my foolish pride. I was the fool that King Solomon os referring to.
When in a group conversation or a business meeting, there is always the guy that cuts others off, not letting them finish. He is the one who talks the loudest and longest and has little regard for what others have to contribute. This person usually walks aways from the event having gained little. There is also the guy who sits back, says little and observes, paying attention to what others are saying. This is the wise man who knows he can learn thinbgs from others and extract the best of each commentary. He will walk away from the event having received the fruit.
When we do things in a self-reliant way, we directly ignore GOD's invitation to rust in HIM. When we sit back and observe and learn, we are letting GOD teach us through others.