Countless times in the past I have prayed to GOD to help me. My prayers were usually the most sincere when I was in a tight spot. I made so many promises to GOD if only he'd help me get out of trouble. Well HE's always managed to keep me from getting too deep into it and I have always managed to break my promises to HIM. HE has seldom granted what I have told him I wanted but instead has always provided exactly what I've needed. HIS help doesn't come in the form of a miracle, such as winning the lottery but it does come in ways often so subtle, I didn't even acknowledge it was HIS intervention. One day the future looks impossibly bleak and that winning lottery ticket never comes, so you trudge on and suddenly you wake up with breathing room. I realize now that GOD has always answered my prayers with just enough but not the excess I'd previously and selfishly asked for.

Now that the truth has dawned on me, my prayers have changed. I no longer ask GOD for personal favors but beseech HIM to provide me with guidance on how better to serve HIM. GOD does not exist to grant us our wishes but HE created us to serve and glorify HIM as a son glorifies his loving father. Like a loving father, HE will always provide what we need and when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our savior, you can bet your bottom dollar that our Father in Heaven hears us loud and clear. I'm living proof of this fact. Now when I make a promise to GOD, I keep it, as HE kept HIS promise in sending Christ to save us from our sins.

I find myself now talking to GOD several times a day about anything and everything. I feel he is listening and it is such a great comfort to know that, no matter how alone you may be, you always have someone who loves you to talk to.