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The Bible mentions angels over two hundred and fifty times throughout the Old and New Testaments. Angels are spiritual beings created by GOD before he created man. They are described as greater than man but obviously less than GOD. The Hebrew translation for angel is messenger and they play a significant role in the teachings of the Bible and how GOD has interacted with us over the millennium. 

GOD is everything, both spiritual and physical. HE created everything out of pure love. I believe, although my tiny awareness cannot begin to fathom HIS intent, GOD is so full of love that HE created all of us beings to join HIM in fellowship and share HIS love with us. HE gave us all free will so that we may choose HIM over all else but that very same free will has caused many lo rebel against HIS love, even angels. After all HIS most beloved angel, Lucifer, rebelled and was cast down to become satan and his followers became demons. GOD created all so HE is still in control but I believe HE is using these wicked angels to a greater purpose of weeding out those of us who choose HIM of our own free will and those who turn their backs on HIM. When that purpose is fulfilled, HE will destroy all the wicked and we will love for eternity in HIS love and goodness.

GOD has used angels throughout the Bible as messengers, guardians, destroyers of the wicked and helpers for the afflicted. They appear as brilliant beings or as ordinary people and aside from the few that rebelled, they are faithful servants of GOD. As the Bible teaches us, be kind to strangers for they may be angels in disguise.

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