"And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
The whole purpose that GID sent HIS only Son to us was to teach us, save us and redeem us. His mission was not to glorify GOD as we so often interpret it to have been. Jesus's mission was mapped out to a tee and He performed that mission with divine percission.
When you think of it, Jesus could have come down on a flaming chariot, throwing lightning bolts around, demending all to repent but that would not be GOD's way. GOD wants us to choose HIM out of our own free will and not because we are too scared to resist HIM. The term "fear GOD" is often used in the Bible but I think it is better interpreted as respect GOD or be in awe of GOD and HIS unbounding power.
Jesus came down to show us the way back into GOD's grace and that is by serving others just as Jesus served us. He died for our sins and like Him, we need to die to our former self-serving selves and live our lives in service of oithers. When we put all others before ourselves, we cleanse ourselves of the spiritual burden of the physical self and allow our spiritual self to truly grow and that is GOD's purpose for us while we are of this world.