This commandment seems simple enough but there are far deeper meanings that we must consider that go beyond thievery. In today's society, rules are changed to help the wealthy get wealthier through an unfair advantage over the poor. This is in direct violation of this commandment as the wealthy profit by unfair means and are essentially taking from the poor. Wealth is not a sin but how that wealth is obtained may be.
GOD gives everyone the right to acquire what they want as long as it is by way of honest and fair practice. GOD also wants us to be kind, which includes being generous. "You shall not steal" affirms the act of generosity more so than any other commandment, simply by condemning its oposite.
"You shall not steal" covers much moral ground that even the laws of society overlook or bend in favor of those who have. In GOD's world, we are meant to have what HE grants us through our own labors and to give to those who need from the surplus that HE gives us.