The answers to most questions I have about so many things are answered in the Bible. It's been a source of inspiration, a historical reference book, an encyclopedia and a great comfort in times of need. Although reading the Bible has become a daily routine for me now, this wasn't always the case.

Coming from a Christian upbringing, I was forced to read the Bible in my youth and like so many, I found it to be too fantastical to be true, dismissing it to be fanciful mythology. Only when I truly started to study it and ponder the words and passages, did I start to uncover the true meanings. As Jesus did when he was with us in body, the Bible teaches in a cryptic way. It is not a verbatim instruction manual, even though it does give us instructions on how to live our lives. Jesus taught using parables, which many at the time didn't understand because they didn't choose to. Thats why he always said, "Let those with ears hear and those with eyes see." GOD wants us to truly understand HIS word. HE wants us to come to HIM of our own choice through understanding and faith. HE doesn't want Christian zombies. To truly understand the Bible, it demands thought, which breeds understanding.

The Bible is also largely written in the first person with many of the authors stating eye witness accounts, as Paul does in his books. I'm no expert but to the best of my knowledge, most cultural mythologies do not do this.

I mention a book earlier called More Than A Carpenter by Josh McDowell. This book provides researched proof of the genuineness of the Bible. Once again, I must say I'm nowhere near qualified to preach but I would recommend reading Mr. McDowell's book if you still have doubts. Speaking for myself, the Bible is historical, inspirational, comforting and is most importantly, GOD's word.