While on the subject of forgiveness, the tale of David and Bathsheba comes to mind. It is a truly inspirational part of Biblical history full of romance, battles, chivalry, faith and forgiveness. What really strikes me about the story is that King David, who was in direct communication with GOD and had been the recipient of so many of GOD's miracles, still succumbed to sin. After the LORD had delivered him from Saul's persecution, enabled him to defeat a giant in Goliath with merely a sling and a stone and gave him continuous victories over a much larger and seemingly stronger Philistine army, David still couldn't resist his lust when he saw Bathsheba bathing from his roof top. For those who haven't read the book of 2 Samuel in the Bible, David sent for Bathsheba and committed adultery with her. To worsen his sin, he then conspired and caused the death of her husband, Uriah.
Now bare in mind, as I've said, David had direct communication with GOD yet he still did these grievous sins, so its no surprise that GOD was angry with him. Even though David's sins seem unforgivable, GOD eventually did forgive him, though not without punishment for GOD is justice and there can be no forgiveness without payment for sins.

As punishment, GOD caused David's son, Absalom , to raise up Israel in rebellion against their king. Eventually David defeats Absalom but grieves heavily over the loss of one of his sons. GOD's justice was served and David went on to rule over Israel till his old age and from his blood line, our Lord Jesus Christ was born.

There are three things that inspire me from this recount of history. The compassion GOD has for David even when he sinned directly in GOD's face. Also, David grieving for his son and ordering his army to act kindly towards Absalom when they encounter him. GOD showed great compassion for David and David did likewise to his rebellious son. In both cases, extreme acts of forgiveness were shown but the another part of the story particularly touched me.
David, who, unlike us in most cases, had direct contact with GOD so there could be no doubt or guess work in his mind of GOD and HIS nature. Yet he still succumbed to his desires and committed adultery and indirect murder. Now I've committed adultery, though never with another man's wife and to the best of my knowledge, I've never caused another person's death, so the story of David and Bathsheba gives me great confidence that if GOD can forgive David, then HE will surely forgive me. In David's time, Christ, who was sent to us to bear the burden of all sin, was yet to be born. Through Jesus, we can be forgiven of all our sins. For me, this is cause for rejoicing and is such a lesson in GOD's love for all of us. It's comforting to know that GOD is doing whatever HE can to bring us home to HIM.