In the Bible, GOD often speaks to mankind. The heros of the Old Testament heard GOD's voice through burning bushes, pillars of clouds and fire, through angels and dreams amongst other ways. In the New Testament, GOD speaks to man through HIS Son, Jesus Christ. So these days has GOD become silent? The answer is a resounding NO. Today we have something that our ancestors from the days of the Old Testament didn't yet have, which is the Bible. The Bible is the Word breathed by GOD and if we read and listen to it, it tells us everything we need to know. GOD speaks to us through the Word.

The Bible is just one way GOD speaks to us but if we want hear HIM, we need to know how to listen. HE no longer has the need to speak through booming voices from the clouds. Those words are already documented. I believe HE now speaks to us in a far more personal way, through our hearts. I've said before that I think our conscience is our spiritual barometer and GOD is spiritual so HE speaks to us spirit to spirit. When our conscience feels guilt or remorse, then we know that we have gone against GOD's will. When we act with a clear conscience, then we know we have not offended our LORD.

So how do we increase our understanding of GOD's voice. For me, my growth in understanding GOD happens through prayer. The more I pray from my heart, the more I feel HIM speaking to me. Again, it's not a physical voice but more of a feeling. I guess you could say that I feel HIS voice speaking to me. The fact is, GOD is constantly speaking to us. HE wants us to hear HIM, so HE has provided the BIble, prayer and our conscience as receivers to tune HIM in. Once we learn how, GOD's voice comes in loud and clear.