"Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3 is just one of so many times in the Bible where it is mentioned that GOD favors the weak, poor, afflicted. Why is it that we humans look down on them and tend to admire those who have everything? In this fallen world, we have placed all importance on material gain and creature comforts, for the most part, totally forsaking our inner selves. Why do we always want more? I believe it's because we feel empty inside no matter how much material wealth we gain. When we achieve a material goal, we may feel content for a short while, then the desire for more sets in and we get restless. We begin to covet and that leads me to the conclusion that the only way to feel true contentment is not through material possessions but through a satisfied spirit. GOD is the only way to comfort our restless inner selves.

It's almost a fact that the more we have materially, the less we seek GOD, opting to credit ourselves for our gains. It is the weak, poor and afflicted that have been stripped of physical trappings, that are forced to bare their souls. GOD favors those who seek HIM for when we seek GOD, we truly acknowledge HIS existence. GOD wants us to have faith and to trust HIM. Jesus promised us He would be with us always and we must trust that fact. When we experience difficulties and drop to our knees and ask Jesus for guidance, that's when we show faith and GOD's ears open up to our pleas.

For me, it was during the lowest points in my life that I truly prayed from the heart. I looked for GOD to help and prayed to Jesus to notice my troubles and to provide a way out. I needed His help and that's what GOD loves. HE knows we need HIM but too often, that fact escapes us. When I truly humbled myself and realized how much I needed Jesus' help, GOD heard me and HE answered.