To please GOD, we must honor HIM. First you have to understand that GOD is not some ego maniac that demands us to grovel at HIS feet. HE is the just judge, perfect in every way and HE already knows the truth. HE expects us to honor HIM through truth, hope, faith and love. GOD wants a relationship with us but HE can't abide with sin, so HE devises ways for us to be forgiven that we may come home to HIM. GOD truly wants the best for us and doesn't want to withhold good from us. HE wants us to have hope for a future that is prosperous and in no way wants to harm us. We are designed to be fulfilled through a closer communion with HIM so we must honor HIM to enable us to approach HIM more closely.

As I mention above, honoring GOD means truth, hope, faith and love, which in no way can be considered as bad things. We honor GOD by doing good things. Kind gestures to others, no matter how small or big pleases HIM. Tithing shows our willingness to share our good fortune with HIS house. Praying establishes communication with HIM and reading the Bible let's HIM know we are trying better to understand HIm and HIS way. The rewards HE offers us makes HIS requirements seem so minimal.

The most important way to honor GOD is through the complete and honest belief in Jesus Christ. Through Him, GOD forgives all of our sins and allows us back into HIS grace. GOD ultimately sacrificed HIS only begotten Son so that we may enjoy all the good things HE has in store for us. HE truly wants what's best for us.