The Bible describes Jesus Christ as the head and His Church is the body. I believe that many have misinterpreted this and seek to first glorify the church over GOD and Jesus. Although Jesus did preach at times in the temples and synagogs of His people, His most powerful sermons were under the open sky. When Christ said that He is the head the Church is His body, I think that He meant the church to be the gathering of believers and not so much the structure under which they gather.

Christianity has been fractured into many different factions today with different denomonations showing hostility to one anpother. Look at the situation in Northern Ireland with Catholics and Protestants waging violent war. This certainly is not what Jesus had in mind. Many churches accept offerings from their congregations and use the funds to build greater and grander structures, thus glorifying themselves instead of using the money to help the needy. Jesus said that many will use His name to deceive and we should not be fooled by them. He also said that our bodies are our temples and what are temples but houses for GOD, so essentially He instructs us to house GOD within ourselves.

Don't get me wrong. Not all churches are bad. I am not qualified to judge what is good or evil but when choosing a church, I don't look at the grandness of the building or how much gold it contains. I mentioned earlier about a church in China, where I now attend services on Sundays. It's a very simple building and I only understand about half of whats being said but the feeling I get from the pastors and the congregation gives me joy and excites my spirit. My brother attends a church in the U.S. that has no building nor does it claim to be of any denomination but instead, rents a space in a movie theater every Sunday and more than 400 people attend to worship. Its a powerful congregation and I feel one of the most glorifying temples in GOD's eyes.

I used to denounce churches and foego attending even though claiming to be Christian. I now believe attending services on a regular basis is important for my spiritual need to glorify GOD and Jesus Christ my savior. The fellowship is important, not the place. My body, my spirit, my soul are now open to housing GOD and HE is with me wherever I worship.