2 Peter 2:4
(4) For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment;
The Greek word for "hell" is tartaroo and a more direct translation means place of restraint. GOD cast the angels down to a place of restraint to await judgement. We also learn from the Bible that Satan and his followers rbelled against GOD when satan, who was Lucifer at the time, tried to become equal to GOD. So when we piece these two facts together, we realize that earh is a prison for angels.
Its not hard to see that satan has dominion over our world right now but even as a prison or place of restraint, there is still so much beauty. amongst all the corruption and decay. Personally, I'm going through a divorce right now so the world is like a living hell for me, I'm consumed by heartbreak, longing and regret but I still fgeel thankful for whatever GOD provides for me and can't wait to get to heaven if I can make the grade.