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GOD sacrificed his only beloved Son so that we may be saved. He endured watching as Jesus suffered physical and psychological abuse. He was tortured and ridiculed by the very people He was sent to save.

Jesus Christ sacrificed his own life so that we may be forgiven our sins and have a clear path to salvation through him. He willingly suffered excruciating pain of both the body and spirit. He never cried out for the pain to cease or condemned His people and ultimately was nailed to the cross and left to die. One of the last things he said was "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." He said this after he was beaten, stabbed and crucified. This was sacrifice through the giving of His own life and the suffering of unimaginable pain, yet he chose to forgive those by whose hands he suffered. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice from his heart. He willingly gave his life so that we may live!


When you look at what GOD and HIS Son, Jesus Christ sacrificed, then whatever sacrifices we are expected to make for our faith just seems trivial. The sacrifices we make today as Christians are little more than obstaining from sin and immorality. We give tithes, which is a small sacrifice as GOD has provided for us in abundance. We sacrifice time to do good works in Jesus name, something I plan on doing more of. All in all, our menial sacrifices are little more than minute inconveniences in comparison to GOD and Jesus' ultimate gifts to mankind. So little is asked of us and we should willingly make these sacrifices from the heart.

When we sacrifice money, time, effort or whatever, we should do so without seeking anything in return. Do not donate looking to gain favor in GOD's eyes but do so in the knowledge and the intention to help others. Make sacrifices for others and not to store up spiritual points. Giving should always bear others in mind and should not be used as a spiritual ointment to sooth guilt. How and why we give is just as important as the giving itself.


I am making a better effort to give more to the needy but I chose to do so anonymously so as not to glorify myself. If I pity and beggar on the street, I give to them in hopes that they may find a little comfort from a stranger and not because I think it makes me a better Christian. I am learning to think more selflessly. I am conditioning myself to do works that are not about me in any way.

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