Hebrews 9:27
“It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment"
I was helping a friend of mine obtain a visa to go to the U.S. and he was nervous to say the least that he would be turned down. I told him I was certain he would be successful in getting approved and he asked me if I was 100% sure. I had to reply that I wasn't as the only thing 100% sure is the fact thet, no matter what, with all the science and health care in existance today, the only thing we can be 100% sure of in life, is death.
Then I pondered this further and realized I was wrong. First of all, we are all already dead as the wages of sin are death and we are all, barring no one, sinners. So yes, death is 100% certain but there is another certainty that is born through our faith and that is, we will live after death.
How can I be sure, people ask. That is the essence of faith. Through belief and true faith, we must be certain and 100% sure that if we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will live on. Do I have proof of this? The proof is in my faith and for me, I need no further proof for that's what faith is. Certainty in one's heart with no need of physical proof and this is what GOD asks of us. There is no doubt that I will physically die and no one will dispute that but for us Christians, there is also no doubt that we will live through Jesus Christ.