Mark 3:5
He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.
Jesus was ridiculed, denounced, persecuted, betrayed, tortured, mocked and ultimately murdered but not once, in all the New Testament did he ever get angry because of any injustice done to himself. Quite the contrary in fact. Throughout His suffering, all He did was pray to our FATHER to forgive those who were performing such horrible acts.
Jesus, however, does get angry twice in the Bible but I prefer to think of it as He get frustrated. He gets angry or frustrated in Mark 3:5 when the pharisees were telling Him that it was sinful to heal a man on the Sabbath. The only other time was when He entered the temple in Jerusalem to find that people had transformed the house of prayer into a market place.
On both occasions, His frustration came from those who blatantly were in dispobedience to GOD, His FATHER and refused to see things in the light of truth. I believe His frustration was born out of sorrow for those sinning. Jesus and GOD wants so much for our salvation that when we just don't get it, they get frustrated with us but they never ;leave us and never stop trying.