But Pilate answered them, saying, "Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?" (10) For he knew that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy. (11) But the chief priests stirred up the crowd, so that he should rather release Barabbas to them. Mark 15: 9-11

Barabbas was set to be cricified as a convicted killer, robber and rebel. The court had found him guilty beyond the reason of a doubt, so imagine his delight when all of a sudden, he is released. He should have, by all rights, been crucified on that day but because of Jesus, he was given a respite. Although he had committed some grievous crimes and was found guilty as charged, he was set scott free. Pilate even questioned the mob of Jesus' own people saying that he interrogated Jesus yet found that He had done nothing wrong and especially didn't deserve to be put to death but the mob insisited. They called for the release of Barabbas, a known criminal, instead the man that had done nothing but teach and heal and perform wondrous miracles for them. On that day, innocent and righteous Jesus was put to death and Barabbas, the criminal, was set free.

The name Barabbas is interesting. "Bar" menas "son of" in Aramaic, while "abbas" or "abba" means "the father" and his first name, coincidentally, was Jesus. So his full name was Jesus Son of the Father. Jesus Barabbas, who was a notorious criminal and human sinner was named son of the father and was set free while the most holy savior, Jesus Christ, who was known as Jesus Son of Joseph, was put to death in his stead. The beauty of GOD's plan and intention for us is made evident. GOD wants us to be saved so we can become Sons of the FATHER and He sacrificed HIS true Son so that this can be made possible.
On that day Jesus took Barabbas' place on the crucifix and set the known criminal free. On that day Jesus took our places in death through sin and set us all free.