God is spirit. (John 4:24)
GOD made us in HIS image but does that mean GOD is in human form? Let's remember that GOD is so many things such as infinite, immutable, eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, so assigning a physical form to HIM is folly I believe. GOD is pure spirit therefore HE has no form and at the same time has all form or can take any form. So what does it mean when in Genesis it says that GOD made us in HIS image?
We are physical beings but GOD endowed us with a spiritual side as well and thats what I believe is the meaning of being made in HIS image. Our physical side is just a temporary vessel that houses our more enduring spiritual selves. We have lost sight of this fact and pay far too much attention to the our casings and ignore the essence of what's inside. The fact is, from the moment we are born, our coverings enter into a steady state of decay and no amount of creams, pills or whatever can stay that process for very long.
Instead of spending our energy on trying retain our youthful good looks, we should be devouting our efforts to strengthening our essence, which is our spirits. The whole quote of John 4:24 is, "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” What this means for me is that we should forget about donning our Sunday best and going to church to pay GOD lip service. We should really search our hearts and do our best to worship HIM with all our hearts. The spirit is something that is bare and cannot hide or lie so we need to worship in all honesty/ Confess and repent from the heart and then GOD will hear us and allow HIS spirit to influence ours.