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GOD is such a magnificent and all powerful being, that its no wonder that HE is so complex. HE created everything in the universe and through HIM, the vast universe has order. We have come a long way through science but can we create? We can imitate, alter, breakdown and manufacture but to the best of my knowledge, to grow a tree, we still need a GID given seed.


So, its not surprising that such a complicated being as our MAKER, has a complex character in the Triune. To understand the Trinty, we have to think out of the box. Another important part of being a Christian is prayer, as it is our means of communicating with our FATHER. Understanding the Trinity and prayer go hand in hand. If we think of GOD, the father and Jesus, the Son as two seperate beings, then we would be praying to more than one god and that would go against the teachings of the Bible. Christianity would not monotheism.


GOD is the whole part and within HIM exists the character or the FATHER who sacrificed HIS only Son for us. HIS Son was begotten or part of HIM and not created like we or angels were. That part of the whole was ressurected and has returned to the whole and through that part, we have been redeemed by blood and only through that part may we access the whole again. The empowering part of the whole is the Holy Spirit. It is the paaower eminating from the whole that eneters us should we allow it and opens our eyes and hearts to desire reconciliation. When the Spirit enters us, we accept that we must acknowledge the Son as the only means to communicate with the FATHER and thus become part of the whole that is GOD.

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